Case Study - Indigo Homes Digital Campaign Case Study

Indigo Homes, a Kenyan real estate developer, partnered with Suss Ads to launch a digital marketing campaign to generate leads for their new development and boost brand awareness. The campaign targeted the Kenyan diaspora and potential homebuyers in Kenya through Google Search, Meta, programmatic advertising, and LinkedIn.

Indigo Homes
Omni-Channel Digital Marketing
Case Study


Indigo Homes, a leading real estate developer in Kenya, collaborated with Suss Ads to create a successful digital marketing campaign. The main objective was to generate leads for their upcoming housing development. This case study examines the strategies, tactics, and outcomes of the six-month campaign.

Client: Indigo Homes

Campaign Objective

  • To acquire leads for Indigo Homes' development, aiming for 500 high-quality leads.
  • To enhance brand visibility among the Diaspora community and potential homebuyers in Kenya.

Channels Used

  • Google Search targeting Diaspora and Kenya
  • Meta (formerly Facebook) for Diaspora and Kenya
  • Programmatic advertising (targeting Diaspora and Kenya)
  • LinkedIn

Target Audience

To ensure the campaign resonated with the right audience, we targeted the Diaspora community and potential homebuyers in Kenya. We crafted customized messaging for each segment to maximize relevance and engagement.

Google Ads

Using Google Ads, we targeted users actively searching for real estate and housing solutions. We used relevant keywords like "Kenya real estate," "housing in Kenya," and "property investment Kenya" to attract potential leads with high intent. Additionally, we continuously conducted A/B testing on ad copies and landing pages to optimize for improved conversion rates.

Meta (Facebook)

We targeted users on Meta who are interested in Kenya and the Diaspora. We used display ads and promoted posts to raise awareness about Indigo Homes. Our strategy included engaging users with compelling visuals and informative content.

Programmatic Advertising

We strategically placed programmatic Suss ads across relevant websites and apps to ensure visibility of where potential homebuyers are likely to be. Retargeting was a key tactic, allowing us to re-engage users who had previously shown interest in real estate or property-related content. The ads appeared on top real estate and news websites, significantly increasing exposure.


On LinkedIn, we focused on reaching professionals, investors, and decision-makers. Sharing success stories, testimonials, and project updates helped build credibility and trust in Indigo Homes. Notable interactions included engagement from industry leaders and potential investors, boosting the campaign's credibility.

Campaign Results

The campaign succeeded, surpassing 90% of the lead acquisition KPI and generating 450 high-quality leads. Indigo Homes received many inquiries and leads from interested buyers, substantially expanding their potential customer base. The brand also experienced a noticeable increase in visibility among the Diaspora community and the Kenyan audience, with a 30% rise in website traffic and a 25% growth in social media followers.


The Indigo Homes digital campaign combined creativity, data-driven insights, and strategic planning to achieve remarkable results. By addressing challenges head-on and maintaining a consistent presence, we helped Indigo Homes connect with their target audience and drive lead acquisition. Future campaigns will focus on maintaining this momentum and further optimizing strategies for even greater success.

Rise in Website Traffic
Growth in Social Media Followers

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